Automatic Shrink-fit machine

”Mi21 SERIES” made by Microbo

Main specs

Product name Automatic Shrink-fit machine
Size W1,300mm×D860mm×H1,800mm
Weight 800Kg
AWC HSK-A(F) 63 10本
ATC 40本(φ4×10, φ6×10, φ8×10, φ10×10)
Portable 4Kg


Please see the catalog below for the details of the machine.

Don’t you have such problem?

  • ➀Would like to work on automation of factory.

    We will reduce the restraint time taken for Shrink fitting.

  • ②Would like to reduce the unevenness of the protrusion amount by the worker

    Stable production will be realized by keeping the amount of protrusion that changes depending on the worker constant.

  • ③Would like to eliminate accidents happens during shrink fitting and baking while doing it manually.

    We will realize it to create a safe environment without human intervention.

  • ④Would like to save labor and put manpower into higher value-added work.

    Due to a lack of manpower, we will propose segregation of "work that humans should do" and "work that can be done by robots".

Features of ”Mi21 SERIES” made by Microbo

  • Feature1. Automation of shrink fitting work

    Achieves continuous unmanned operation and reduces the restraint time of workers. It manages to prevent accidents such as burns.

  • Feature 2. suppress unevenness in the amount of protrusion

    Since the amount of protrusion can be specified, unevenness of the amount of protrusion by the worker is reduced.

  • Feature3. Operation using touch panel

    It is possible to create a schedule for shrink fitting and roasting work with a simple operation.